Even though they are small, our teeth have a major role in our lives. We use them not only for eating, but for speaking as well. Although they are a vital part of our everyday life, we know relatively little about them.

Here are 15 interesting dental facts.

Like most of our body parts, our teeth start to develop in the womb. Even though it is quite rare, (1 out of 2000 cases) it is possible for a baby to be born with a full set of milk teeth. In most cases though, toddlers get their first teeth when they are 6-12 months old.

Normally, a person „grows” 2 sets of teeth through their life. The first is a set of 20 milk teeth, but their permanent set will consist of 32 teeth. In the animal kingdom, there is a greater variety. Dolphins, for example, live their lives with 1 set of teeth. Sharks on the other hand can have as many as 40 sets in a lifetime. You may think, the bigger the mouth is, the more teeth it should have, but that’s not necessarily true. Whales for example do not have a single tooth; meanwhile snails can have up to 25 thousand microscopic teeth on their tongue.

Enamel is the hardest material in your body (even harder than bone), and it is also the only part that cannot regenerate, because it is not a living tissue. This is one of the many reasons, why oral hygiene and regular dental checkups are very important.

The longest tooth ever recorded was 1.3 inches long, and it was documented by a dentistry in Singapore in 2009.

The imprint of our teeth and tongue is just as unique as our fingerprints, it even differs between twins.

Our salivary glands do not rest: in a year, they usually produce around 730 liters of saliva. To better illustrate this amount, in a lifetime, our salivary glands produce enough saliva to fill two large swimming pools. Saliva also plays a part in our digestion, and also helps preserve the health of our gums and teeth.

People who drink 3 or more glasses of carbonated, sugary drinks a day are 62% more likely to develop dental problems like tooth decay, cavities, and tooth loss. Think about that next time, before you drink, and choose water instead.

Dental floss is not just for the rich: if you do not use it, 35-40% of your teeth’s surface remains contaminated.

Most people usually spend 45-75 seconds with brushing their teeth, even though the recommended duration is 2-3 minutes.

Right handed people chew on the right side of their mouth, while left handed people prefer their left side. This is not intentional, our brain does it automatically.

The first known dentist in history, Hesi-Re lived in Egypt, more than 5000 years ago. A dental hygiene specialist is a much „younger” profession. The first specialist was Irene Newman, who finished her training in 1905.

The residue from food and drinks contains around 300 types of bacteria. If you don’t clean your mouth 2 times a day, these bacteria will lead to tooth decay and other oral diseases.

If a tooth breaks during an accident, it will take 15 minutes for it to start decaying

Even cavemen were aware of the importance of oral hygiene, though the tools at the time were limited: they chewed on various sticks to get rid of food residue. Luckily nowadays it is much more comfortable to take care of our teeth, with even electric toothbrushes being an option.

A woman usually smiles 68 times a day, meanwhile a man averages 8 times a day, but both of them agree that a smile is a vital part of first impressions. In a poll conducted in America, 61% of people stated that a smile instantly made everybody more attractive.
Would you too, like to smile with more confidence, but feel hindered by bad or missing teeth? You are more than welcome for a consultation at VitalEurope dental clinic.