After years of considering dental treatment, Kyri decided to fix his smile in 2018. After several trips to Budapest, and almost 4 years (thanks Covid!) his dream came true. In this article we will discuss his wonderful transformation.

“For the first time in 3.5-4 years, I ordered food, I ate the food. It felt fantastic. I didn’t worry about it when I brushed my teeth. Great. Fantastic.”

What were your initial thoughts after the consultation in London?
My initial thoughts were uncertain. I was very sceptical but I was so impressed with the clinic and staff that I had the confidence to carry on.
“I had all these concerns; living in the UK, travelling to a foreign country for dental treatment. All those concerns were taken away, and everyone I have met even in the London clinic and in Budapest was really friendly. Everyone has been polite, friendly.”

How many teeth got replaced in order to create your new smile?
I’m not sure if the exact number of teeth but the whole of my upper was replaced and on the lower I only had 6 of my own teeth left.
I imagine it must be around 20 teeth.

What would you say to those who are still considering dental treatment?
I would say to people who are considering treatment to go ahead and do it. It’s a daunting thought as you start on this road but the end result is totally 100% worth it.
“…I was always embarrassed. Even when you have dentures and you have denture adhesive. You are still embarrassed; you still think they can come out when you chew something, and it’s not going to hold.
All these fears are there, all the time.
It’s all gone now. I don’t have to worry about that anymore. And I’m not embarrassed about smiling.”

Any post-treatment thoughts, you would like to share?
My main post treatment thoughts are that I can go anywhere without worrying about my dentures moving and constantly feeling embarrassed, and I can now go to any friends or restaurants without first having to check what food there will be for me or end up not eating because again I was always worried and felt embarrassed about my smile with regards to my dentures.
I actually went to a friends bbq and I was relaxed about eating and my appearance. That is a feeling I haven’t had for about 3 and a half years.
“Like you say on the board at the reception: Your smile is your signature. I think my new smile is your signature. It’s your name. You did it. It’s VitalEurope.”

Dr. Szaszovszky:
I liked Kyri from the first moment. He was a happy, joyous person; however he wasn’t happy with his teeth. He was determined to change that.
Since his premolars and molars were all missing, he constantly forced his lower jaw forward, in order to eat (Mandibula Saggitalis Propulsio). Because of this, his teeth got worn down, and became a lot shorter. We had to remove every tooth from the upper jaw because of their status and/or their locations, in order to make room for a long-term, permanent solution.

The quality of the bone was suboptimal in the molar region of the upper jaw, so we had to carry out sinus lifts (bone substitution) on both sides. After the healing period, we replaced the missing teeth on both upper and lower jaw with dental implants. Later on we fitted bridges on these implants, and also on the remaining front teeth. We took analog and digital impressions as well, in order to achieve the best possible results. For the upper jaw, we applied paint on the fake gum, to make it look as natural as possible.
Kyri and the dental technicians were involved in the decision making process throughout the entire treatment.